# 引言
# 一、莎士比亚:《致爱人》
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” —— William Shakespeare, *Sonnet 18*
> Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
> Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
> Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
> And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
> Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
> And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
> And every fair from fair sometime declines,
> By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed;
> But thy eternal summer shall not fade
> Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
> Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
> When in eternal lines to time thou growest.
> So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
> So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
> 要是把您比作夏日,可否?
> 您要比夏日更加宜人和温和,
> 五月的微风摇曳着花蕾,
> 夏日太过短暂,转瞬即逝。
> 高空中的太阳有时过于炽热;
> 它那金色的脸颊常被云遮蔽;
> 美丽的事物也会因时间而消逝,
> 有时是偶然,有时则是自然变迁所致;
> 但您永恒的青春永不褪色,
> 您也不会失去那份美丽的所有;
> 死神无法夸口拥有您的灵魂,
> 因为永恒的诗篇将让您长存不朽。
> 只要人们还在呼吸,还能看见,
> 这首诗就会流传久远,并赋予您生机。
# 二、玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特:《致爱人》
“Love, that makes the world so bright,
> That, like a stream, it ever runs to light;
> The morning stars of virtue’s golden day;
> And all the saints with raptures sing thy praise:
> O let me live, or if I must be gone,
> Let me remember’d die, and leave behind
> Some monument that may immortalize
> A transient love, a soul that once was thine.
> 爱,让这个世界如此光明,
> 仿佛一条溪流,总是向着光芒前进;
> 是美德金色日子中的晨星;
> 并且所有的圣徒都以狂喜歌唱你的赞美。
> 哦,让我活着,或者如果我必须离去,
> 让我在被记住中死去,并留下一些纪念碑,
> 使一段短暂的爱情、一个曾属于你的心灵
> 永生不朽。
# 三、朱丽叶·多诺万:《致爱人》
“With all the passion of a thousand years,
> With all the zeal that makes the world go round,
> With all the fire in my veins and heart,
> I am yours, O beloved, and you are mine.
> 用一千年的激情,
> 用让世界转动的热情,
> 用我血管和心灵中的烈焰,
> 我属于你,亲爱的,你也属于我。
# 四、伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁:《致爱人》
“Ask me not for what I am, but where I am:
> I have found my home in thine heart’s mansion;
> And when the day is done and the evening star
> Doth glow through the clouds that gather at night,
> It shall be a prayerful song to thee.
> For if the sky should fall, my spirits would follow thee.
> 不要问我是什么样的人,但问我在哪里:
> 我已找到了我的家,就在你的心房中;
> 当白昼结束、夜空中晨星闪烁,
> 穿过聚集的乌云,它将成为一首祈祷之歌献给你。
> 因为如果天空坠落,我的灵魂也会跟随你。
# 五、埃米莉·狄金森:《致爱人》
“Love is an ever-revolving wheel,
> And never doth turn but with a smile;
> A little more, a little less,
> The Wheel of Love shall always spin:
> But when it stoppeth, in the Night,
> ‘Tis Heaven’s Signal for to rest.
> 爱是一轮永不停歇的车轮,
> 从未转动而不带着微笑;
> 稍微多一点,稍微少一点,
> 爱的车轮总会不停地旋转:
> 但当它停下在夜晚,
> 这就是天上的信号让你休息。
# 结语